
Published on Dec 19, 2014 by LPG

The renewable energy in Bulgaria

The renewable energy market (wind energy, solar energy, etc...) in Bulgaria for the period of 2011-2020 is estimated to be from  250 to 300 million euros annually. 

In 2009,  the renewable energies represented  8,70% in the final consumption of energy. The biggest part is produced by the water sector (8,1%).  The part of wind and solar energy reaches only 0,60%.

By 2020, the renewable energy must be 16% of the final consumption of energy in Bulgaria.

The most suitable region for the wind energy is Northern Bulgaria.  To this date, the installed capacity for wind energy is 335 MW and the produced electricity is 236 GW. 

As far as the resources for the solar energy are concerned, they are concentrated in the South of Bulgaria with a potential of 1550 kWh/m2/year.  

The Bulgarian government has developed several incentives to popularize the investments in the renewable energies, namely the compulsory purchase of electricity from renewable sources: 25 years for the solar and geothermal energies and 15 years for the rest of the renewable energies.

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